At Tushiyah Ministry, we are passionate about proclaiming the gospel and revealing the power of God to transform lives. With Tent of Testimonies Ministries International (TOT) as our primary expression, we are committed to bringing healing, restoration, and hope to all who seek the presence of Christ. Whether you are looking for encouragement, deliverance, or a deeper walk with the Lord, you will find a spiritual family rooted in faith, worship, and the miraculous power of God.
Under the leadership of Bishop Fred Akama and Senior Pastor Minayo Akama
Through vibrant worship, prophetic teachings, and compassionate outreach, we fulfill our mission to make disciples and inspire faith. With branches across Kenya in Nairobi, Kisumu, Eldoret, Busia, Kitale, and Meru—and extending internationally to Lagos, Nigeria, and Kampala, Uganda—TOT is a beacon of light in communities worldwide.
BY BISHOP DR. FRED AKAMA Exodus 19:6 (NIV)“You will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.”
When you’re about to experience a big breakthroughs, and the forces of the enemy are fighting you over it, there’ll
Worship isn’t just about singing on Sundays; it’s a lifestyle of serving God and others. Joining a ministry team allows
Have you ever wondered what your unique role is in God’s kingdom? The answer might lie in serving others. Ministry involvement is not just about filling a role; it’s about fulfilling your divine purpose.
Jesus called us to be His hands and feet, serving others in love. Volunteering in community outreach programs is a
In today’s fast-paced world, finding genuine connections can be challenging. Yet, God designed us for community. Small groups provide an